The day I met Slanderman

Technically, this should be called the night I met slanderman, but what ever.
So, I was walking through the dangerous, pitch black forest late at night, like a normal person, when I saw a note on a tree, it was a crude drawing of more trees, I decided to take the drawing because why not?
So I continued on my way and it sounded like I was being followed, see? It's totally normal to be out in the dark and dangerous forest at night! Anyway, I didn't get worried about it and just pushed onwards and found more drawings, and like the normal person I am, I picked each one up and kept it, never mind the fact that there could be a serial killer in this forest and I could possibly be making them angry.
The sound of loud footsteps behind me had gotten extremely close, I decided to turn around and I came face to face, well sort of face to face, with a man at least 12 feet tall and faceless. What the fuck?
He spoke with a loud and intimidating voice "GIVE ME MY DRAWINGS BACK YOU TWIT"
"Fuck this!" I booked out of the forest quicker than I thought I could, but the story doesn't end here.
I could have sworn I heard the intimidating voice say "I'm gonna ruin your life for that." as I left the forest.
Apparently, he spread around a rumour that I fuck goats, and to this day I cannot go outside of my house without getting insulted.
Goddamn you, slanderman!